skopje macedonia

Skopje, Macedonia: The Ultimate Melting Pot

There’s more to Skopje than statutes. It’s easy to get caught up in the statue side of the city, and you wouldn’t be the first. But there is more than meets the eye in Skopje. Macedonia has a long...

skopje 2014: so many statues

The Statues of Skopje, Macedonia

‘I hope you’ll really enjoy my city. We’ve made a lot of improvements in recent years.’ This nicety, from our AirBnB host, was one we heard many times as we traveled around the Balkans. A region...

The Ever-Changing Canvas of Belgrade Street Art thumbnail

The Ever-Changing Canvas of Belgrade Street Art

Does anyone else out there like street art better than museum art? Just me? Bueller? Bueller? Admitting such a thing certainly singles me out as some kind of cultural deviant, but I think there is an inherent...

southern france road trip eric ally

The Ultimate Southern France Road Trip

Over the course of our road trip travels, we’ve been asked about road tripping and all the logistics that go into a trip like this. We’re also frequently asked why we didn’t cover France (our car is...

City Life in Belgrade thumbnail

City Life in Belgrade

It was bound to happen. Our love affair with the open road and tiny unexplored corners of Europe came to an end. We had been doing so well. We really embraced the nomadic lifestyle, landing in a place, scoping out...