The 50 Best Dishes in London

Top 50 Best Dishes in London

I think we are getting nostalgic. Our time in London is coming to a close. Soon, we will head to London City Airport, bound for the beginning of our two month road trip through Italy and the Balkans. How has it been...

Our Favorite Cocktail Bars in London

Our Favorite Cocktail Bars in London

We like a good drink. Who doesn’t? We certainly have done our fair share of “research” into drinking in London. And while we love gin and tonics and a good pint as much as the next person, we...

The Best Places to Eat in Brixton Market

Best Places to Eat in Brixton Market

Brixton Market is a feast for the eyes. Turn left out of the Brixton Tube station, and walk the few short steps to Electric Avenue (yes, the song is named after this street). Electric Avenue is the beginning of the...

Bullshit London Walking Tour

A Different Kind of Walking Tour

Sometimes a name says it all. In online chatter about fun London tours, an irreverent walking tour kept showing up with the apt name, Bullshit London. I chuckled when I heard about it, and mentally added it to my...

Some of the tempting treats at afternoon tea at Fortnum and Mason

Afternoon Tea at Fortnum & Mason

I can’t believe it took this long to indulge in the Fortnum and Mason afternoon tea. There are a few things that are almost required for London visitors. Near the top of the list is an afternoon tea at one of the...

London Bucket List: Summer 2016 update

London Bucket List: Summer Progress

Like a true Brit, I’m going to begin with the weather. This summer has been underwhelming here in the UK. As I write this, it is 13 degrees (55F). It’s July 1st. Last year on July 1st we had record high...