great internet stories

Oops. I forgot what day it is.

My normal schedule for these collections of great internet stories is every third Friday. I find that it takes me a while to accumulate worthy material, plus we’re busy writing about our travels most of the time. We even have a calendar to keep track of all of our writing, so it’s rare that something slips.

But this week I forgot what day it is. Hell, I’ve been forgetting the day of the week pretty much every day. It’s what I hoped would happen when we were out of the normal rhythms of everyday life, living out of a car and a couple of suitcases. I’m normally one of those people that can tell you what day of the week the 8th of next month will fall on, because I’m so in tune with the calendar.

No more. I’m only sure today is Friday because my phone told me so, and it’s usually right about these sorts of things.

So, apologies. It’s only been two weeks since the last group of great internet stories, but I have corrected the calendar and we will be back on the three week schedule moving forward. Unless I have another momentary lapse in time and space. If that’s the case, we’ll see you back here on Monday with another installment.

Don’t you just love parenting advice from non-parents? But I did really resonate with this. Childhood is life, not preparation for life.

I’m fascinated by the world of book cover design.

In a similar vein, I’ve bookmarked this site to help me decide what to read next.

And my favorite book-related podcast, of course. I was a guest this summer!

Confidently ignoring September fashion-related magazines everywhere.

I happily dress in the same color every day. But for those who like a little more variety

This blew my mind. A grammar rule we all use but have never thought about.

New York City in the not-too-distant future.

I love a beautiful house. But I REALLY love a chunky throw blanket.

Every so often I get in a mood when all I want to do is read stuff life this.

Love the idea of a long walk. Or hike, or trek, or month spent alone in the wilderness. Here are a few that are on my short list.

And one more set to open in Canada next year.

Finally, in homage to the mismanagement of our editorial calendar, a reminder.

If you’ve missed it, we’ve been hurtling around Europe. Piedmont, Lake Como, Venice, Slovenia. Now we’re in Croatia, where we’ve been for about a week. I checked yesterday and so far, we’ve covered about 2,300km in just under three weeks of travel.

Have a fantastic weekend wherever this finds you!

  • September 23, 2016

    Love that article on grammar! Funnily, I have had small moments where I thought about the adjective order but never stopped to think about why it is that way. The only ones that make sense to me is having the opinion at the front and the purpose closest to the noun. Having the purpose adjective just before the noun almost makes it a compound word in my mind.
    chewy recently posted…Leaving London, life and moving onMy Profile

    • September 25, 2016

      Julie and I were just talking this morning about linguistics and how fascinating it is. We often never stop to think, “Why do we do this?”

  • September 23, 2016
    Melissa W.

    loooooooooved the book review site you listed. I am looking to venture out in what I read, so I have added it to my Feedly queue!

    • September 25, 2016

      Julie is always full of good book advice!